Page 5 - Modular Exhibition Stands Brochure - Access Displays
P. 5


                                                 temporary is on trend

                                                 1RZ D SDUW RI HYHU\GD\ OLIH  WKH WHPSRUDU\ VKRS  RU 3RS XS 6WRUH
                                                 LV 7+( FXUUHQW UHWDLO WUHQG DQG YHU\ SRSXODU ZLWK WKH SXEOLF
                                                 :KHWKHU LW DSSHDUV LQ D FRPPHUFLDO VKRSSLQJ HQYLURQPHQW RU LQ DQ
                                                 area of strategic footfall, it gives the consumer the opportunity to
                                                 H[SHULHQFH \RXU EUDQG  DOEHLW EULHȵ\  IURP D IHZ GD\V WR D IHZ PRQWKV

                                                   Top tips for success

                                                 7R FUHDWH D VXFFHVVIXO SRS XS VWRUH  LW LV HVVHQWLDO WR

                                                    - Choose a strategic site;
                                                    - 6HOHFW DQ RULJLQDO DQG ȵH[LEOH OD\RXW DQG ORFDWLRQ
                                                    - Choose the time of year and how long to be there;
                                                    - Set up entertainment events;
                                                    - Organise upstream communications: target your campaign on the
                                                  geographic zone chosen, to obtain optimal return; set up partnerships
                                                  ZLWK RWKHU EUDQGV  VHQG RXW SUHYLHZ LQYLWDWLRQV WR LQȵXHQWLDO EORJJHUV
                                                  and journalists…

                                                   Using Modular solutions

                                                 Creating successful communications at a Point of Sale is
                                                 dependent on a solution that combines both an original design
                                                 DQG WKH EHVW YDOXH IRU PRQH\

                                                 To ensure you make the right choice, it is important to
                                                 consider your objectives and answer the following questions:
              :K\ FKRRVH
              a modular                                     - Location:
              solution?                                    How much space is available to you?

                                                           :KDW DUH \RXU SRWHQWLDO FRQVWUDLQWV LQ WHUPV RI KHLJKW
                &RVW H΍HFWLYH                              and dimensions?
              + Design                                      - Design:
              + Easy to assemble                           $SSOLFDWLRQ  ZDOO PRXQWHG  VXVSHQGHG RU IUHH
              + Compact for easy
                transportation to                          7\SHV RI PDWHULDOV  IDEULF  ULJLG RU ȵH[LEOH SDQHOV"
                several Points of Sale                     ΖV EDFN OLJKWLQJ D UHTXLUHPHQW"
              + Standard or bespoke                         - Use:
                                                           How often do you need to update your message?
              + Unlimited refresh/
                update of messages                         Must the visuals be changed by a professional or can
                                                           this be done by the end user?

                                                            - Budget:
                                                           :KDW EXGJHW LV DYDLODEOH IRU \RXU PRGXODU VROXWLRQ"
                                                           +RZ PDQ\ 3RLQWV RI 6DOH QHHG WR EH ȴWWHG"

                                                                                                   MODULAR //   5
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