Page 63 - Modular Exhibition Stands Brochure - Access Displays
P. 63

Linear Modules
            Linear 15m²

                                                                           Stand 15m²

                                                                             -   PP VTXDUH SURȴOH DOXPLQLXP IUDPHV
                                                                             - Sleek central storage area
            ïăò ©                                                            - Suitable for graphics in rollable PVC or printed rigid
                                                                             Model       Code
                V                               V
                                                                             Module W   (x2)  MODULE-LN-W
                                                                             Module V  (x2)  MODULE-LN-V
                                                      ð ©                    Module Z  (x2)  MODULE-LN-Z
                                                                             Module Y    MODULE-LN-Y
                                                                             Quarter side foot (x2)  SLF1
                                                                             Spot 120 Watt  (x4)  PS1000-203E
                                                                             /LJKW ȴ[LQJV  [    US-LINEAR
                               ò ©

                                                                  Quarter side foot   Curved beams  Secure closure
                                                                  Code : SLF1
                                      Halogen spotlights
                                                                     OÇ°½r‘‡ ½°°©
                                      Use optional extra black
                                      spotlights to make your stand   Central storage room with lock for extra        Linear
                                      graphics more vibrant
                                                                     security. For more stability, the returns are
                                                                     equipped with a strengthening threshold
                                                                     bar at the bottom of the doors.

          OÇrªƒ °ÌÇ ½°©
          the crowd with
          ¤r½‘‡ °½©rÇ

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